The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa. 雨季又没有光顾非洲之角。
For example, Ford explained, the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are currently addressing the threat from Somali pirates attacking ships in the horn of Africa. 福特举例解释说,美国和北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)目前正在想办法解决索马里海盗在非洲之角(HornofAfrica)袭击过往船只的问题。
The international community held an emergency meeting in Rome Monday on the famine and drought in the horn of Africa. 周一,国际社会在罗马召开紧急会议,商讨非洲之角的饥荒和干旱问题。
United Nations agencies are warning of a growing humanitarian emergency in the horn of Africa region. 联合国各机构提出警告说,非洲之角地区的人道危机日趋紧迫。
World Food Program chief Sheeran says the crisis in the Horn of Africa would have been even worse if not for the early warning system and quick response programs established over the years. 世界粮食规划署的Sheeran表示,如果没有早期预警系统和多年来设立的快速反应项目,非洲之角的危机会更加严重。
You said Iran I think he said the horn of Africa. 你说伊朗我觉得他说的是非洲之角。
The fight to end polio is not over, not even in India, and new polio cases in the Horn of Africa and Syria underscore the importance of eradicating polio everywhere. 消灭小儿麻痹症的斗争尚未结束,甚至在印度也如此,非洲之角(HornofAfrica)和叙利亚的小儿麻痹症新发病例凸显了在世界各地根除小儿麻痹症的重要性。
A three-ship amphibious ready group will move from its position off the Horn of Africa into the Mediterranean Sea. 由三层甲板的两栖船组成的队伍,已经准备从他们在非洲合恩岛的驻地出发,进入地中海。
The London-based group says most incidents still occur off the coast of Somalia, near the Horn of Africa. 这个设在伦敦的机构说,大部分的海盗案,仍在临近非洲之角的索马里海岸地区层出不穷。
BAT, which exports to Horn of Africa, Zambia, Madagascar, and Tanzania, among others, also saw an increase in excise duty in Uganda and Malawi, but expects duties to hold in Mauritius this year. 向非洲之角、赞比亚、马达加斯加、和坦桑尼亚以及其他地方出口产品的英美烟草,还看到了乌干达和马拉维消费税的增长,但是他希望今年毛里求斯的消费税将保持不变。
That part of the Horn of Africa has a second rainy season from March through May. 在非洲之角的部分地区从三月到五月会有第二个雨季。
How could changing weather affect rain-fed crops in the Horn of Africa, or winter flooding and summer droughts in Uzbekistan? 气候变化将对非洲之角靠天吃饭的庄稼、或乌兹别克斯坦的冬季洪水和夏季干旱发生怎样的影响?
He says arid and semi-arid lands represent about eighty percent of the Horn of Africa. 他表示,干旱和半干旱土地占到了非洲之角土地的80%。
The "Horn of Africa" in eastern Africa has been afflicted by the worst drought in60 years. 东非的“非洲之角”正遭受60年来最严重的旱灾。
One beneficiary could be the Horn of Africa, where the World Bank has committed$ 1.88 billion to help the region cope with severe drought and build drought resilience. 一个可能的受益者是非洲之角,世界银行为那里作出了18.8亿美元的承诺,以帮助该地区应对严重的干旱和提高干旱复原力。
The United Nations says drought and famine conditions are easing across the Horn of Africa, though it warns the regional crisis is not over. 联合国表示,整个非洲之角的干旱和饥荒状况正在缓解,但该地区的危机还没有结束。
United Nations aid agencies report measles is continuing to spread at an alarming rate throughout drought-stricken Horn of Africa. 联合国援助机构称,受干旱侵袭的非洲之角地区的麻疹疫情继续以惊人的速度扩散。
In Africa, Central Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel are at risk, while Afghanistan, the Caspian region, India, Iran and Pakistan are marked in Central and South Asia. 在非洲,中非、非洲之角和西非荒漠草原面临着风险,而阿富汗、里海地区、印度、伊朗和巴基斯坦是中南亚面临风险的地区。
She is the first case of human infection reported in the Horn of Africa. 她系非洲之角报告的第一例人感染病例。
This year has seen drought and famine in the Horn of Africa, resulting in population movements, of people fleeing starvation and violence, on a scale unmatched in recent history. 今年,非洲之角的干旱和饥荒导致人口迁移,逃离饥饿和暴力的人口达到近年来最高规模。
The aid agency Unicef has airlifted food and medicine to malnourished children in southern Somalia, victims of the drought in the Horn of Africa. 救助机构联合国儿童基金会向索马里南部营养不良的儿童空运了食物和药品,他们是非洲之角这次严重的干旱的受害者。
Seminar on security and the problem of refugees in East Africa and the Horn of Africa 安全问题与东非及非洲之角难民问题讨论会
And today, as drought and conflict have brought famine to the Horn of Africa, our conscience calls on us to act. 今天,面对干旱和冲突给非洲之角(HornofAfrica)带来的饥荒,我们的良知要求我们采取行动。
This capacity has also been deployed in health emergencies such as the2010 floods in Pakistan and the2011 drought in the Horn of Africa. 这种能力还在灾后卫生紧急状况中,如2010年巴基斯坦洪水以及2011年非洲之角的干旱中得到施展。
An extreme cycle of drought in the Horn of Africa has pushed millions into hunger. 非洲之角地区的一波极端旱情导致数百万人陷入饥饿。
Somalia is also bearing the brunt of the measles epidemic, which is sweeping through the Horn of Africa. 索马里还首当其冲地受到麻疹的影响,麻疹疫情正在非洲之角地区扩散。
The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in60 years is having a devastating affect upon the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. 非洲之角正遭受六十年以来最严重的旱灾。灾情给数百万人的生活和生计造成毁灭性的影响。
Yemen has long been a major transit point for illegal migration from the Horn of Africa. 长期以来,也门一直是来自非洲之角的非法移民的重要中转站。
Standing Committee of the States of the Horn of Africa on Somalia 非洲之角国家索马里问题常设委员会
As Special Representative of the Director-General, he was responsible for several crucial WHO initiatives, including those in the Horn of Africa and East Timor. 作为总干事的特别代表,他负责了世卫组织多项至关重要的行动,包括在非洲之角和东帝汶的行动。